Ideologisation, Organisational Structure and Biotech-Labour Processes in Fractal Leadership Emergence
Although there is extensive knowledge of ideology and its structural effectivity in organisingcollective human activity, research addressing ideology and digital temporalities withinvarieties of capitalism’s systemic inequalities, is by comparison embryonic. We argue thatideologisation is central to leadership, as a process of being in the world, of experiencing andmaterialising political consciousness, formed by interacting with the political, socio-economic and historical conditions, which define the collective political unconscious. Tounderstand the ways in which objective, structural determinants interact with subjectiveexperiences in the life-worlds of movement participants, and how this feeds an ideologisationprocess which is at once individual internalisation and collective production which can bedirected and led by movement leaders, we develop several theoretical elements with whichwe will explain leadership emergence in sociopolitical formations: lifeworld, ideologisationand temporality, scholarship on leadership, and leadership in social movements, and theinfluence of organisational structure and the biolabour process on leadership formation inmovements.Here we are of course referring to the mediations, between shifting material relations ofproduction and particular individual and collective processes of ideologisation, which radicalleadership incarnated, effected, or significantly contributed to on a scope spreading beyondthe bounds of the core political groups themselves. The transformation of ideologisation impacts the degree to which ideology emerges, whenand how it emerges in human consciousness in the algorithmic age, and how thisconsciousness communicates and organises: the level of accuracy and detail it communicatesand to which structures and under what conditions then impacts on forming ideologicalconsciousness at the individual or collective level, and therefore impacts on how leadershipemerges as fractalised, due to new multiple divergent temporalities, the structuralorganisation of digital networks, the organisational structure of movements, and the biolabourprocesses mediating all of the above. This chapter therefore, by introducing ideologisation as central to leadership in socialmovements, discusses leadership generally and in social movements, explains the influenceof the organisational structure and the biolabour process on leadership, and goes on tomovement leaders and participants’ personal biographies in terms of ideologisation processesthey are involved in, including specific “accidents”, i.e. individuation, affectivity andconsciousness, identity and subjectivity formation. It brings the analysis together bytheorising temporalities of leadership between the 1960s and the present day in juxtaposition,in order to demonstrate the role of ideologisation in the emergence of fractal leadership incontemporary movements operating on digital networks.
Karatzogianni, A. and Matthews, J. (2023), "Ideologisation, Organisational Structure and Biotech-Labour Processes in Fractal Leadership Emergence 1 ", Fractal Leadership (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy And Culture In Network Communication), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 65-114. affiliation
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