posted on 2015-12-23, 11:58authored byVincent P. Campbell, Benjamin Lee
Despite claims that the ‘brand is the key communicative tool of contemporary
politics’ (Cosgrove 2012: 121), and ‘constant adjustment of image is why branding is now
the permanent campaign’ (Scammell 2014: 82), the application of branding to politics
remains a rather contentious exercise (Lloyd 2005). In the context of debates about the nature
and strategic function of political brands, this chapter explores how UK political parties
presented their brands in the months leading up to the 2015 General Election, concentrating
on Online Political Posters (OPPs) as expressions of the core brand campaign messages.
OPPs are still images posted openly to parties’ Facebook pages, rather than distributed as
targeted online advertising like Youtube videos for instance, OPPs are similar to national
billboard posters (used in British elections for well over a century, but currently in decline)
and the window and lawn signs put up by party supporters at constituency level. Traditional
political posters have been argued to have several functions including: persuasion (Seidman
2008a: 7, Baines et al. 2011); familiarisation and engagement (Lewis & Masshardt 2002:
401); and establishing a campaign’s presence in particular locations, signifying the strength
of the campaign with possible mobilisation consequences (Seidman 2008b; Dumitrescu
2011). Like those traditional formats, OPPs provide opportunities for political parties to
extend their voter reach, particularly amongst those low engagement and participation voters
for whom branding is especially helpful in their typically peripheral processing of political
messages (Cacioppo et al. 1986) through the potential for OPPs to be shared by users within
their Facebook networks. Moreover, that capacity for users to share content provides parties
with opportunities to use existing party supporters online to disseminate party messages for
them, a kind of supporter-initiated two-step flow of persuasion and influence (Norris and
Curtice 2008). This makes OPPs a potentially a good illustration of the gradual transition
from traditional transactional marketing and short term party campaign communication
techniques in offline media to more interactive, long term relationship marketing in online
Campbell, VP;Lee, B, Party Branding in the 2015 General Election: A Case Study of Online Political Posters, ed. Lilleker, DG, 'Political Marketing and the 2015 UK General Election', Palgrave, 2016
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, ARTS AND HUMANITIES/Department of Media and Communication
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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Palgrave Macmillan
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