posted on 2023-09-20, 15:47authored byS De Sabbata, R Lemmens, G Falquet, B Jiang, B Bucher
Volunteered geographic information (VGI) plays an increasing role in current geodata provision. At the same time, due to its lack of structure, it is hard to use as meaningful input in software applications. In this chapter, we embark upon the unstructured character of VGI and on ways to enrich the structure in order to make it suitable for information retrieval. We describe the charac-teristics of semantic enrichment and explain how folksonomies and ontolo-gies play a role. We believe that they represent different levels of formality in a semantic reference space and determine the richness of the information retrieval.
De Sabbata, S;Lemmens, R;Falquet, G;Jiang, B;Bucher, B, 'Querying VGI by semantic enrichment in European Handbook of Crowdsourced Geographic Information (Ubiquity Press, 2016), pp. 185-194.
Author affiliation
School of Geography, Geology and Environment
VoR (Version of Record)
Published in
European Handbook of Crowdsourced Geographic Information