This is the first of two chapters which explore representations of SlutWalk in both my mainstream news and feminist media samples. Both chapters were organized using the results of a frame analysis, derived with the help of a qualitative content analysis. Frames were established after asking questions such as: What is SlutWalk said to be about?; Whose voices were used? What ‘sparked’ coverage of SlutWalk (e.g. a forthcoming march, or one which had taken place)?; Which, if any, feminist or oppositional discourses or critiques were used either in relation to the movement or rape culture?; and What is the overall level of support for the movement? Although the qualitative content analysis revealed a number of competing frames, this book focuses on the two most popular ones. Chapter 4 analyzes the means through which SlutWalk was constructed as a movement challenging rape culture, while Chapter 5 analyzes how it was constructed as being opposed and/or misguided, often from feminists themselves. [First paragraph]
Mendes, KD, Representing the Movement: SlutWalk Challenges Rape Culture, 'SlutWalk: Feminism, Activism and Media', Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. 86-112
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE/Department of Media and Communication
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