[From Introduction] To cope with the tensions and the potential social conflicts that occur in school
communities leaders need to listen to participants’ voices, those of students, staff,
parents and school governors in particular, recognise their interests and needs, and
allow them to influence the curriculum and organisational decisions that are made.
The importance of students as internal actors in the construction of a school and of
schooling (Day et al, 2000; Rudduck and Flutter, 2000), and recent central
government policy encouraging the development of school councils, points to a reemerging
awareness of the importance of encouraging students to take a responsible
part in the government of their schools, an awareness that was largely extinguished in
the 1980s and 1990s. School students have considerable impact on the construction of
its culture (Marsh, 1997; Busher and Barker, 2003), whether or not they are
commonly included in discourses about work-related interactions in schools and
whether or not they are conventionally marginalised from discourses about school
organisational process. Linstead (1993: 59) describes this as students helping to write
the texts of schools, perceiving the construction of organisations as an intertextual
process that takes place between the authors and actors of it and in it. It raises
questions about how students’ acute awareness of the processes of schooling and the
many insights they have of them (Rudduck and Flutter, 2000; Flutter and Rudduck,
2004) can be heard and acknowledged by staff at all levels in order to contribute
positively to the development of a school.
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE/School of Education
British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Pontypridd, Wales: University of Glamorgan 2005