Efficiency losses resulting from base pressure deficit and energy separation over the speed range
conference contribution
posted on 2018-05-25, 08:55authored byJ. P. Gostelow, A. Rona
Intrinsic to many axial flow turbomachines, with either compressing or expanding flow regimes, is
consideration of the effects of compressibility. Both subsonic and supersonic speed ranges are considered in this
investigation. Subsonic surface base pressures, and wake energy separation are principal manifestations of the
same phenomenon and are a direct result of periodic von Kármán vortex shedding. This is the principal cause of
both wake energy separation and the related subsonic base static pressure deficit. At high subsonic speeds the
wake flow was supposedly isothermal. Instead a 17oC temperature difference between the wake outer edge and
its centre line was observed. This time-averaged temperature separation was a manifestation of the energy
separation (Eckert-Weise) effect.
At supersonic speeds the trailing edge base pressure and the energy separation in the downstream wake, exhibit
different characteristics from the subsonic behaviour and should be treated differently. Shock waves from a
blade trailing edge may impinge on the adjacent suction surface adversely affecting the downstream boundary
layer. Supersonic flows usually involve the impingement of shock and expansion waves and this can be a steady
flow effect. However other modes in the wake are possible. These include von Kármán vortex shedding from
the confluence region of the wake. This is not the only form of shedding and at times anomalous (or “exotic”)
vortex shedding has an important role to play.
The authors are indebted to the National Research Council of Canada and the University of Leicester for support
including the use of the wind tunnels and other facilities. A research grant from Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council (U.K.) is gratefully acknowledged.
23rd ISABE conference, International Society of Air-breathing Engines, 2017, pp. 1-9 (9)
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING/Department of Engineering
23rd ISABE conference, International Society of Air-breathing Engines, Manchester, UK
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Published in
23rd ISABE conference
Acceptance date
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