Stokes coordinates
Cage-based structures are reduced subspace deformers enablingnon-isometric stretching deformations induced by clothing or mus-cle bulging. In this paper, we reformulate the cage-based riggingas an incompressible Stokes problem in the vorticity space. Thekey to our approach is a compact stencil allowing the expression offluid-inspired high-order coordinates. Thus, our cage-based coor-dinates are obtained by vorticity transport as the numerical solutionof the linearized Stokes equations. Then, we turn the incompress-ible creeping Newtonian flow into Stokes equations, and we devisea second-order compact approximation with center differencing forsolving the vorticity-stream function. To the best of our knowledge,our work is the first to devise a vorticity-stream function formula-tion as a computational model for cage-based weighting functions.Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our new techniques fora collection of cage-based shapes and applications.
Author affiliation
College of Science & Engineering Comp' & Math' SciencesSource
SCCG '17: Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017 Mikulov Czech Republic May 15 - 17, 2017Version
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)