posted on 2008-08-13, 14:38authored byLen A. Dissado, S. Zadeh, John C. Fothergill, A. See
The generation and transit of charge packets in 150μm thick peelings from the insulation of Medium Voltage Cables manufactured using the same XLPE batch have been investigated at a number of different temperatures. Charge packet motion was investigated in peelings taken from cables that have been electro-thermally stressed at T= 90 degrees C for 5000 hours with a Laplacian field E ≈ 20kV/mm at the location of the samples. It was found that charge packets were generated by an applied field of 120kV/mm when the internal space charge field reached 140-150kV/mm. Measurements were made in three controlled temperature environments and it was found that the transit time fitted an Arrhenius behaviour with an activation energy of ~1.2 eV. This value is similar to estimates made for the deepest traps (>1.1eV) made from the decay of space charge accumulated at lower fields of 46.67kVmm. It is also close to the activation energy for the conductivity (~1.25 eV) obtained from the dielectric spectroscopy of unpeeled cable sections at Erms ≈ 0.41 V/mm, and ~1.15eV from the dielectric spectroscopy of the peelings (E = 40V/mm). It is therefore concluded that the transit of the charge packet is associated with the trap-to-trap transport of charge carriers located in the deepest traps available. The implications of these results for the mechanism of charge packet generation is discussed.
IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 2007 - Annual Report, pp. 425-428.
Published in
IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)