Model-to-model transformations are often used to define consistency maintainers between metamodels. When these are executed incrementally, only the part of the model transformation that is affected by model updates is executed. The TTC2019 BibTeX2DocBook case proposes to evaluate mechanisms for avoiding the situation where updates, to DocBook models, introduce undesirable inconsistencies that are not valid according to the transformation. In this paper, we present the application of an inconsistency specification language, available within YAMTL, for locating when a model update yields illegal changes that break the consistency relation defined by a YAMTL model-to-model transformation. Moreover, a re-implementation of the reference ATL transformation in YAMTL is presented and compared against the most efficient transformation engine for ATL.
Author affiliation
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester
TTC 2019
Transformation Tool Contest, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 19, 2019.
VoR (Version of Record)
Published in
Proceedings of the 12th Transformation Tool Contest co-located with the 2019 Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2019)