University of Leicester
Appendix III.xlsx (741.74 kB)
Appendix III.numbers (6.24 MB)
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Appendix III: Crossover activity

posted on 2020-06-02, 10:03 authored by Ihthisham AliIhthisham Ali
PhD thesis: PRDM9 Diversity, Recombination Landscapes and Childhood Leukaemia by Ihthisham Ali

Appendix III contains hotspot activity analysis data on DNA3 and AA hotspots in a MHCII sub-region. These data is indicative of the local recombination profile in the MHCII and provides confirmatory evidence for the differential activation of PRDM9 A and a subset of Ct alleles for these two hotspots. Additionally, these data provide fine-scale information on the morphology of the AA hotspot.

A. DNA3 hotspot CO activity data
B. DNA3 hotspot Chi-Squared Test
C. AA hotspot CO activity data
D. AA hotspot d257 (20) breakpoint mapping
E. AA hotspot d257 (20) hotspot morphology graph data
