PPMLR Simulations
These are the six PPMLR MHD simulation files used in the CMEM project. They are here courtesy of T. Sun from the National Space Science Centre in Beijing.
PPMLR (Parabolic Piecewise Method with Lagrangian Remap) is a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code developed in China used for creating global simulations of the Earth's magnetospheric environment. In this context, the results of a PPMLR simulation have been compared with an exospheric neutral density model in order to calculate the soft X-ray emissivity expected around the Earth's magnetosheath. It is these PPMLR-emissivity simulations uploaded here.
These simulations have been used for the upcoming publication titled: "Modeling the Magnetospheric 3D X-ray emission from SWCX using a Cusp-Magnetosheath Emissivity Model," which is being submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. The simulations were used to develop and test a new emissivity model called CMEM (Cusp Magnetosheath Emissivity Model) that will be used for magnetopause detection for the upcoming Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) mission.
Update 1st Oct 2024: The FITS versions of these files have also now been uploaded.