University of Leicester

Perceptual span is independent of font size for older and young readers: Evidence from Chinese

posted on 2020-06-12, 08:22 authored by Kayleigh WarringtonKayleigh Warrington
The enclosed data and script are the research data outputs underpinning publication: Perceptual span is independent of font size for older and young readers: Evidence from Chinese.
This paper has been accepted for publication in Psychology and Aging. Once published, it will be available with the following DOI: 10.1037/pag0000549

The folder contains data files, materials and R analysis code for two eye movement experiments that investigated effects of font size on the perceptual span of young and older readers during Chinese reading.

Separate excel spreadsheets of data are included for Experiments 1 and 2, along with the R analysis script that was used for both experiments. Definitions of these eye movement measures can be found in the paper.


British council/Newton Fund visiting scholarship

Chinese Scholarship Council visiting scholarship
