University of Leicester

Revealing Similarities in the Perceptual Span of Young and Older Chinese Readers

posted on 2020-01-21, 08:45 authored by Kevin PatersonKevin Paterson, Kayleigh WarringtonKayleigh Warrington
The folder contain data files and R analysis code for three eye movement experiment that investigate the perceptual span of young and older adult Chinese readers. The experiments used the moving window paradigm, in which text is shown normally within a region (window) around each fixation and text outside this window is masked. Window size was word based in the present experiment and manipulation so that text was presented entirely as normal, within only the fixated word visible, the fixated word and the word to its left visible, the fixated word and one word to its right visible, or the fixated word and two words to its right visible. Text outside the window was replaced by a mask in Experiment 1, visually similar characters in Experiment 2, or blurred to be unreadable in Experiment 3. Separate excel spreadsheets of data are included for Experiments 1-3, along with the R analysis script, and a Bayes Factor analysis script for quantifying the evidence for null and positive effects.


Xie, F., McGowan, V.A., Chang, M., Li, L., White, S.J., Paterson, K.B., Wang, J., & Warrington, K.L. (2020). Revealing similarities in the perceptual span of young and older Chinese readers. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, in press.
