University of Leicester

Scattered light shadows in warped protoplanetary discs

posted on 2021-01-04, 09:56 authored by Rebecca Nealon, Christophe Pinte, Richard Alexander, Daniel MentiplayDaniel Mentiplay
Data to recreate the published plots/replicate most results. Codes used are publicly available or on request (Phantom and MCFOST). Specifically, files included:

- simulation dump file for Figure 1
- fits file for Figure 2 + python script to generate
- fits files and analysis script to generate Figure 3
- script with fitting routine for Figure 4
- fits files in order to generate Figure 5 (using previous fitting routine)
- script and fits file to generate Figure 6
- analysis routines to generate Figure 7 and 8
- Mathematica notebook to generate curves in Figure 9
