University of Leicester

Dataset supporting the discrimination of 4 Hypericum species using genotyping via Array-DASH. (Table

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Version 2 2021-01-20, 10:21
Version 1 2020-12-09, 20:23
posted on 2021-01-20, 09:48 authored by Spencer GibsonSpencer Gibson, Nathalie Zahra, Caroline Howard, Peter Causey-Freeman, Owen LancasterOwen Lancaster, Adrian Slater, Anthony J Brookes
This dataset shows ArrayDASH genotyping profiles generated from ITS regions amplified from 4 Hypericum species and the identification of a set of probes that can be used to distinguish between them.Genotyping probes targeted specific sequences that are known to exist in the associated Hypericum species, rather than a set of 4 probes that only differ by their central position to represent the 4 possible bases (i.e., A, C, G and T)


East Midlands Healthcare and Bioscience iNet Higher Education Collaboration Fund, entitled “PlantDASH – a system for the identification of plant material”
