The Lenborough Hoard – catalogue and comparative datasets
This resource contains the summary data, in the form of spreadsheets, for the catalogue of coins from the Lenborough Hoard discovered in 2014, and now in the Discover Bucks Museum, Aylesbury. The Lenborough Hoard contains 5249 coins dating from the reigns of Æthelred II and Cnut.
These spreadsheets are accompanied by photographs of the obverse and reverse of each coin.
These data support and underpin the PhD thesis written by Wendy Scott, entitled 'The Lenborough Hoard: Money, Economy and Society in Late Saxon England', supervised by Prof. J Story (University of Leicester), Prof. C. Loveluck (University of Nottingham) and Dr G. Williams (British Museum). Research was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council through the Midlands 4 Cities doctoral training consortium, as a Collaborative Doctoral Award, in conjunction with the British Museum and Buckinghamshire Museums Trust, supplemented by a private donor.
AHRC Midlands 4 Cities Collaborative Doctoral Award, 2019. Project No. 228147 – Money, economy and society in Late Saxon England: The Lenborough Hoard and the monetary impact of Anglo-Danish rule.
Usage metrics
- Archaeological science
- Archaeology of Europe, the Mediterranean and the Levant
- British history
- European history (excl. British, classical Greek and Roman)
- Historical archaeology (incl. industrial archaeology)
- Historical studies not elsewhere classified
- Economic history
- Other history, heritage and archaeology not elsewhere classified