Lay summary and brief biological or clinical significance
During the early stages of cell division chromatin condenses to form chromosomes (blue) within the nucleus allowing visualisation by light microscopes. Spindles of α-tubulin also begin to form into microtubules (green), originating at structures known as centrosomes, in this image they can be seen as the bright dot at the centre of the image. The colour is a result of the high density of stained α-tubulin in these areas.
A clear, visually engaging image of an in vitro cell undergoing cellular division. Cell division is an essential process for survival at all levels or organism, from single cell bodies to multicellular organisms such as human. Understanding the stages and processes of normal mitosis enables researches to identify differences in diseased tissue, such as tumour cells.
Technical summary
Early Prophase. Cell image taken of a cell halted in early prophase of mitosis by nocodazole. Primary antibody: Rabbit α-tubulin (Fisher) antibody (0.1%, 1XPBS + 3% BSA); Secondary antibody: mouse anti-rabbit 488nm (0.5%, 1X PBS + 3% BSA); Hoescht DNA stain.