Vine St Leicester Roman Townhouse Finds Selected Decorated Artefacts
Group of 5 images, Vine St excavations selected finds. Consists of a small group of decorated artefacts, of metal, ivory and ceramic material, found during the Roman site work:
Image of Vine St excavations find. Bronze handle of a dog. Copper alloy handle from a Roman clasp knife.
Image of Vine St excavations finds. Copper alloy / bronze brooches, illustrated.
Image of Vine St excavations find. Ceramic figurine of Venus Anadyomene, made of pipe clay. Associated with religion, fertility and childbirth, and of Dea Nutrix, relating to nursing mothers.
Image of Vine St excavations find. Relief-carved, ivory panel, displaying Anubis. Religion. From a composite Romano-Egyptian ivory box. Exceptionally rare piece. Anubis is shown crouched among lotus flowers and grasping a lance in his right hand. Anubis was popular amongst Egyptian soldiers in the Roman army, perhaps indicating it belonged to a veteran or a member of their family. From a pit in the Roman townhouse courtyard.
Image of Vine St excavations find. Silver intaglio finger ring, showing Mars. Religion. Mars is shown naked apart from helmet and cloak, with a spear and trophy. His persona is Mars Gravidus, 'the marcher', a guise the god was thought to take when guiding armies to victory.