posted on 2018-12-14, 16:29authored byAdam Gadomski, Natalia Kruszewska, Piotr Beldowski, Bogdan Lent, Marcel Ausloos
The paper compares the statistical description of physical-metallurgical
processes and ceramic-polycrystalline evolutions, termed the normal grain
growth (NGG), as adopted to soft- and chemically-reactive grains, with
a Smoluchowski’s population-constant kernel cluster–cluster aggregation
(CCA) model, concerning irreversible chemical reaction kinetics. The former aiming at comprehending, in a semi-quantitative way, the volumeconservative (pressure-drifted) grain-growth process which we propose to
adopt for hydrogel systems at quite a low temperature (near a gel point).
It has been noticed that by identifying the mean cluster size hki from the
Smoluchowski CCA description with the mean cluster radius’ size RD, from
the NGG approach of proximate grains, one is able to embark on equivalence of both frameworks, but only under certain conditions. For great
enough, close-packed clusters, the equivalence can be obtained by rearranging the time domain with rescaled time variable, where the scaling function originates from the dispersive (long-tail, or fractal) kinetics, with a single
exponent equal to d + 1 (in d-dimensional (Euclidean) space). This can
be of interest for experimenters, working in the field of thermoresponsive
gels formation, where crystalline structural predispositions overwhelm. The
interest can likely be extended to some dispersive-viscoelastic, typically
neurophysical, and in particular cognition involving systems.
Acta Physica Polonica B, 2018, 49 (5) XXX Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics On the Uniformity of Laws of Nature, pp. 993-1005
Author affiliation
XXX Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics On the Uniformity of Laws of Nature, Kraków, Poland, September 3–8, 2017