posted on 2018-03-16, 13:17authored byA Sellors, J Melbourne, Jonathan Barratt, L Barton
Iron deficiency is a common laboratory finding and can be associated with numerous medical conditions, in addition to dietary insufficiency. It represents the most common cause of anaemia worldwide and is acknowledged as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Accurate investigation of iron status is essential, not only with regard to diagnosis, but also for evaluating response to treatment………………This study had two aims. Firstly, to determine if it was possible to prolong the analysis window of %HYPO to support its availability to community clinicians and secondly, to determine the analysis window for CHr. By repeat testing samples over a 24- hour period and comparing results to baseline we determined sample stability and identified the most suitable parameter to implement in a high- throughput medical laboratory for community monitoring of iron status. [Taken from Introduction]
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 2017, 39 (5):e132–e134
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES/School of Medicine/Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation
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