BBox-Free SAR Ship Instance Segmentation Method Based on Gaussian Heatmap
Recently, deep learning methods have been widelyadopted for ship detection in synthetic aperture radar (SAR)images. However, many of the existing methods miss adjacentship instances when detecting densely arranged ship targets ininshore scenes. Besides, they suffer from the lack of precision inthe instance indication information and the confusion of multipleinstances by a single mask head.In this paper, we propose anovel center point prediction algorithm, which detects the centerpoints by finding a long distance variation relationship betweentwo points. The whole prediction process is anchor-free and doesnot require additional bounding box (BBox) predictions for non-maximum suppression (NMS). Therefore, our algorithm is BBox-free and NMS-free, solving the problem oflow recall rateswhenconducting NMS for densely arranged targets. Furthermore,to tackle the deficiency of position indication information inlocalization tasks, we introduce a feature fusion module withfeature decoupling (FD). This module uses classification branchto provide guidance information for localization branch, whilesuppressing the influence of the gradient flow mixing, effectivelyimproving the algorithm’s segmentation performance of shipcontours. Finally, through principal component analysis (PCA)of the Gaussian distribution covariance matrix, we proposea loss function based on the distance between centroids andthe difference of angle, called centroid and angle constraint(CAC). CAC guides the network in learning the criterion thata single dynamic mask head is only valid for a single instance.Experiments conducted on PSeg-SSDD and HRSID demonstratethe effectiveness and robustness of our method.
10.13039/501100001809-National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 62371022)
Author affiliation
College of Science & Engineering/Comp' & Math' SciencesVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Published in
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote SensingPublisher
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineersissn
0196-2892Copyright date
2024Available date
2024-02-26Publisher DOI
enPublisher version
Deposited by
Professor Huiyu ZhouDeposit date
2024-02-22Rights Retention Statement
- No