posted on 2016-04-13, 11:59authored byP. Bordoni, J. Haines, G. Di Giulio, G. Milana, P. Augliera, M. Cercato, L. Martelli, F. Cara, Cavola Experiment Team
Geophysical site investigations have been performed in association with deployment of a dense array of 95 3-component
seismometers on the Cavola landslide in the Northern Apennines. The aim of the array is to study propagation
of seismic waves in the heterogeneous medium through comparison of observation and modelling. The small-aperture
array (130 m×56 m) operated continuously for three months in 2004. Cavola landslide consists of a clay body
sliding over mudstone-shale basement, and has a record of historical activity, including destruction of a small village
in 1960. The site investigations include down-hole logging of P- and S-wave travel times at a new borehole drilled
within the array, two seismic refraction lines with both P-wave profiling and surface-wave analyses, geo-electrical
profiles and seismic noise measurements. From the different approaches a consistent picture of the depths and seismic
velocities for the landslide has emerged. Their estimates agree with resonance frequencies of seismic noise, and
also with the logged depths to basement of 25 m at a new borehole and of 44 m at a pre-existing borehole. Velocities
for S waves increase with depth, from 230 m/s at the surface to 625 m/s in basement immediately below the landslide.
The project was co-funded by i) Area Ambiente
e Sviluppo Sostenibile of Provincia di Modena;
ii) Area Pianificazione e Tutela del Territorio
of Provincia di Reggio Emilia; iii) Servizio
Tecnico of Comune di Toano; iv) Servizio Geologico,
Sismico e dei Suoli of Regione Emilia
Romagna; and v) Istituto Na-zionale di Geofisica
e Vulcanologia, Centro Na-zionale Terremoti
Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 50, N. 5, October 2007
VoR (Version of Record)
Published in
Annals of Geophysics
INGV, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia