The distinction between histiotrophic nutrition (in which local macromolecules are chiefly responsible for the maintenance of the embryo) and hemotrophic nutrition (which results from a transfer of material between the maternal and fetal circulations) is made. Placentation in a number of commonly used laboratory animals and in man is described, and it is shown that dependence upon histiotroph and hemotroph varies greatly, not only between species but also at different stages of gestation in a single species. These facts are likely to be reflected in considerably differences in response to certain teratogens; they must be carefully considered when experimental results are extrapolated between species. The significance to man of an agent which has been shown to be teratogenic in a single species of experimental animals should be evaluated in terms of possible differences in placental function between man and that species. This is particularly so if there is a suspicion that the potential teratogen may affect the fetal membranes.
Environmental Health Perspectives 1976 Dec; 18: 5–12.
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND PSYCHOLOGY/School of Biological Sciences/Department of Biochemistry
VoR (Version of Record)
Published in
Environmental Health Perspectives 1976 Dec; 18: 5–12.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)