Divining medieval water: the field-names of Flintham in Nottinghamshire
journal contribution
posted on 2018-04-19, 08:59authored bySusan Kilby
[From Introduction] Back in 1984, Margaret Gelling launched her mission to rehabilitate topographical placenames,
successfully arguing that they were worthy of renewed scholarly attention, and
repositioning them as an important but neglected source of landscape evidence for the
medieval period (Gelling 1984: 1; Gelling and Cole 2000: xii). Other topographical names,
both field-names and other minor landscape names have, until recently, largely been ignored
by scholars of the medieval landscape. Whilst there have been a number of studies of
individual elements, hitherto there were few surveys featuring whole corpora of
microtoponyms by scholars of the medieval landscape. Some early onomastic research tended
to focus, unsurprisingly perhaps, on etymology and classification, rather than considering
these names within their landscape context, as Gelling and Cole did (Cunnington 2000: 41-6;
Daniels and Lagrange 2002: 29-58). More recently, like topographical place-names before
them, microtoponyms have been having their own Renaissance moment, and they are
increasingly being considered as an important element in reconstructing medieval perceptions
of landscape (Baines 1996: 163-174; Semple 1998: 109-126; Kilby 2010: 72-7; Gardiner
2011: 16-30; Mileson 2016: 84-99; Jones et al 2017).
Journal of the English Place-Name Society, 2017, 49, pp. 57–93
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, ARTS AND HUMANITIES/School of History, Politics and International Relations
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