posted on 2019-09-11, 09:17authored byBright Chimezie Robert, Muhammad Umar Fareed, Harold Steven Ruiz
In this paper, a comprehensive analysis on the local electrodynamics at micron level for the second
generation of magnetically anisotropic high temperature superconducting (2G-HTS) pancake coils
is presented. Special attention has been paid to the influence of prospective winding misalignment
factors onto macroscopical quantities such as the hysteresis losses and critical current density inside each one of the turns of a generic 2G-HTS coil, and their relation with the magneto-angular
dependence of the infield critical current density Jc(B, θ) of the 2G-HTS tape. It has been shown
that for low amplitudes of the applied transport current, Ia ≤ 0.2 Ic0, the flux-front profile for
perfectly aligned pancake coils develops a well-shaped flux-free core with a complete absence of
magnetization currents in ∼ 30% the middle turns, that are enclosed by transport current profiles in similar fashion to what would be observed in superconducting bulks, but with the outer
turns showing a clear dominance of magnetization currents. However, the misaligned pancake coils
show a notorious deflection of the flux-front semi-elliptical vertices which induces a repositioning
of the co-vertices, shaping then a “worm-like” flux-front profile that is caused by the breakdown in
the ordinal symmetry of the mutual inductances. This phenomenon leads to an increment in the
Lorentz force between the transport and magnetization currents, what causes an additional source
of hysteretic losses which cannot be accounted by classical changes in the size of the flux-front profile. Thus, we have obtained that for relatively large deformations of the pancake coil, up to a 19%
increment in the AC losses can be achieved for moderate to low intensities of Ia, whilst for currents
greater than 0.7 Ic0, a striking although low reduction on the AC losses can be achieved, whose
main physical signature has been connected to the actual disappearance of the flux-free core inside
the superconducting coil.
B. C. Robert thanks the Scholarship unit of the Niger
Delta Development Commission, and has contributed to
this paper with the development of computational models, analysis, plotting of results, and writing of the paper.
M. U. Fareed acknowledge the College of Science and Engineering Scholarship Unit of the University of Leicester,
and has contributed with computational tasks derived
from this research. H. S. Ruiz has led the team and
contributed with the analysis and writing of the paper.
This work has been supported by the EPSRC Grant No.
EP/S025707/1. All authors acknowledge the use of the
High Performance Computing Cluster Facilities (ALICE)
provided by the University of Leicester.
Engineering Research Express, 2019
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING/Department of Engineering
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