posted on 2014-11-12, 15:32authored byAndrew M. Ellis, Andreas Mauracher, Matthias Daxner, Stefan E. Huber, Johannes Postler, Michael Renzler, Stephan Denifl, Paul Scheier
The formation of dianions in helium nanodroplets is reported for the first time. The fullerene cluster dianions (C[subscript 60])[subscript n][superscript 2−] and (C[subscript 70])[subscript n][superscript 2−] were observed by mass spectrometry for n≥5 when helium droplets containing the appropriate fullerene were subjected to electron impact at approximately 22 eV. A new mechanism for dianion formation is described, which involves a two-electron transfer from the metastable He[superscript −] ion. As well as the prospect of studying other dianions at low temperature using helium nanodroplets, this work opens up the possibility of a wider investigation of the chemistry of He[superscript −], a new electron-donating reagent.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 126 (50), pp. 14014-14017
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING/Department of Chemistry