Forum: Towards a European Nuclear Deterrent
America’s potential strategic disengagement from Europe is leading key European powers – in particular, France, the United Kingdom and Germany – to reconsider the role of nuclear weapons in European security in the absence of extended US nuclear deterrence. Here leading French, British and German analysts offer anticipatory assessments of their countries’ national perceptions, policies and preferences with respect to formulating a common European approach. They discuss, respectively, France’s tentative overture to its European allies, Britain’s willingness against broad constraints, and the tension between Germany’s entrenched caution and its rising threat perceptions. While there are options that could produce a viable European nuclear deterrent, they would require a degree of national flexibility and European financial support that is currently difficult to imagine. This reality check should give European nuclear hawks pause.
Author affiliation
College of Social Sci Arts and Humanities History, Politics & Int'l RelationsVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Published in
67 - 98Publisher
Informa UK Limitedissn
1468-2699Copyright date
2024Available date
2026-03-20Publisher DOI
enPublisher version
Deposited by
Professor Andrew FutterDeposit date
2024-09-23Rights Retention Statement
- No