posted on 2006-11-06, 12:23authored byAndrew R. King, J. E. Pringle
We consider the problem of growing the largest supermassive black holes from
stellar–mass seeds at high redshift. Rapid growth without violating the Eddington
limit requires that most mass is gained while the hole has a low spin and thus a low
radiative accretion efficiency. If, as was formerly thought, the black–hole spin aligns
very rapidly with the accretion flow, even a randomly–oriented sequence of accretion
events would all spin up the hole and prevent rapid mass growth. However, using a
recent result that the Bardeen–Petterson effect causes counteralignment of hole and
disc spins under certain conditions, we show that holes can grow rapidly in mass if
they acquire most of it in a sequence of randomly oriented accretion episodes whose
angular momenta Jd are no larger than the hole’s angular momentum Jh. Ultimately
the hole has total angular momentum comparable with the last accretion episode. This points to a picture in which the accretion is chaotic on a lengthscale of order the disc size, that is <~0.1 pc.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006, 373(1), pp. L90-L92
VoR (Version of Record)
Published in
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press (OUP), Royal Astronomical Society