HR-EBSD analysis of in situ stable crack growth at the micron scale
Understanding the local fracture resistance of microstructural features, such as brittle inclusions, coatings, and interfaces, at the microscale is critical for microstructure-informed design of materials. In this study, a novel approach has been formulated to decompose the
-integral evaluation of the elastic energy release rate to the three-dimensional stress intensity factors directly from experimental measurements of the elastic deformation gradient tensors of the crack field by in situ high (angular) resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD). An exemplar study is presented of a quasi-static crack, inclined to the observed surface, propagating on low index
planes in a (001) single crystal silicon wafer.
Henry Royce Institute (Grant ref EP/R010145/1)
DTP 2016-2017 University of Oxford
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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Author affiliation
School of Engineering, University of LeicesterVersion
- VoR (Version of Record)