posted on 2014-07-28, 12:56authored byMarc De Kamps, Daniel Ladley, Aistis Simaitis
The behavior and stability of over-the-counter markets is of central concern to regulators. Little is known, however, about how the structure of these markets determine their properties. In this paper we consider an over-the-counter market populated by boundedly rational heterogeneous traders in which the structure is represented by a network. Stability is found to decrease as the market becomes less well connected, however, the configuration of connections has a significant effect. The presence of hubs, such as those found in scale free networks increases stability and decreases volatility whilst small-world short-cut links have the opposite effect. Volatility in the fundamental value increases market volatility, however, volatility in the riskless asset returns has an ambiguous effect.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2014, 41, pp. 50-68
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE/Department of Economics
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