posted on 2018-03-14, 15:39authored byGhulam A. Ng
BACKGROUND: Silent cerebral lesions (SCLs) are a potential complication of left atrial radiofrequency ablation (RFA) procedures for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). We aimed to compare the incidence of SCLs in patients treated with irrigated RFA multielectrode catheters (nMARQ® Catheter group) and irrigated focal RFA catheters (NAVISTAR® THERMOCOOL® Catheter; TC group) after PAF ablation from subpopulation neurological assessment (SNA) cohorts of the REVOLUTION and reMARQable studies. METHODS: Data from SNA cohorts in the prospective, nonrandomized REVOLUTION study (March 2011 to September 2013) and the prospective, randomized, controlled reMARQable study (October 2013 to November 2015) were included. The incidence of SCLs was assessed pre- and post-ablation using magnetic resonance imaging. Neurological deficits were assessed using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, modified Rankin Scale, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment. RESULTS: A total of 37 patients from REVOLUTION and 76 patients from reMARQable were included in the SNA cohort of each study. In the REVOLUTION SNA cohort, the incidence of SCLs was 21.1% (4/19) in the nMARQ® Catheter group and 5.9% (1/17) in the TC group. Findings from REVOLUTION helped inform the reMARQable study protocol's stringent anticoagulation regimen. SCL incidence was subsequently reduced in both groups (nMARQ® Catheter, 7.9%; TC, 3.3%). No permanent neurological deficits were observed. CONCLUSION: Adherence to a stringent anticoagulation regimen prior to and during ablation procedures appears to be an important factor in minimizing the risk of SCL.
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 2017, 40 (12), pp. 1432–1439
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES/School of Medicine/Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
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