Magnetic field responses in Drosophila
Bassetto et al.1 reported that Drosophila are unable to detect magnetic fields using a conditioning2 and negative geotaxis assay3, and on this basis, they dismiss these and all further experimental studies published on Drosophila magnetic fields4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. Critically, fly magnetic geotactic responses were replicated independently by Bae et al.12, yet this important and extensive confirmatory study is not discussed. Furthermore, Bae et al. successfully demonstrated a magnetic field conditioning response12, underlining how experienced Drosophila groups can successfully negotiate magnetic paradigms. I have reanalysed the data from all three geotactic experiments from Bassetto et al.1 and, despite serious flaws in methodology, their results reveal that Drosophila detect magnetic fields.
Author affiliation
College of Life Sciences/Genetics & Genome BiologyVersion
- VoR (Version of Record)
Published in
E3 - E5Publisher
Springer Science and Business Media LLCissn
1476-4687Copyright date
2024Available date
2024-05-14Publisher DOI
Spatial coverage
enPublisher version
Deposited by
Professor Charalambos KyriacouDeposit date
2024-05-09Rights Retention Statement
- No