posted on 2016-11-21, 15:35authored byE-L. Aveling, Graham Martin, G. Herbert, Natalie Armstrong
Community-based approaches to healthcare improvement are receiving increasing
attention. Such approaches could offer an infrastructure for efficient knowledge-sharing and
a potent means of influencing behaviours, but their potential is yet to be optimised. After
briefly reviewing challenges to community-based approaches, we describe in detail the
clinical community model. Through exploring clinical communities in practice, we seek to
identify practical lessons for optimising this community-based approach to healthcare
improvement. Through comparative case studies based on secondary analysis, we examine
two contrasting examples of clinical communities in practice – the USA-based Michigan
Keystone ICU programme, and the UK-based Improving Lung Cancer Outcomes Project. We
focus on three main issues. First, both cases were successful in mobilising diverse
communities: favourable starting conditions, core teams with personal credibility, reputable
institutional backing and embeddedness in wider networks were important. Second, topdown
input to organise regular meetings, minimise conflict and empower those at risk of
marginalisation helped establish a strong sense of community and reciprocal ties, while
intervention components and measures common to the whole community strengthened
peer-norming effects. Third, to drive implementation, technical expertise and
responsiveness from the core team were important, but so too were ‘hard tactics’ (e.g. strict
limits on local customisation); these were more easily deployed where the intervention was
standardised across the community and a strong evidence-base existed. Contrary to the
idea of self-organising communities, our cases make clear that vertical and horizontal forces
depend on each other synergistically for their effectiveness. We offer practical lessons for
establishing an effective balance of horizontal and vertical influences, and for identifying the
types of quality problems most amenable to community-based improvement.
Social Science and Medicine In Press
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND PSYCHOLOGY/School of Medicine/Department of Health Sciences