Report of the President to the AGM, held at New Exeter House, 8th December 2022
My previous two reports were dominated by a narrative of how we had been affected by the Covid19pandemic, but I am happy to say that by and large those days seem to be behind us and life has, for themain part, returned to normal for most. Now, of course, we have the different challenges brought byspiralling energy and staff costs and high inflation. It seems likely, however, that the latter at least, willease off in the first half of next year. During the past twelve months the activities of the Institute havecontinued in full operation. We have adapted from our old ways and learned new ones. Now, many of theregular meetings of the committees and the board are held in hybrid mode. This change is largely for thebetter, will continue and is facilitated both by our New Exeter House office and the modern networkedcapabilities in the meeting rooms.
Author affiliation
College of Science & Engineering ChemistryVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)