A turbulent cavity flow at Mach 1.5 and 2.5 is modelled to study the flow instability and the associated aerodynamic noise generation. The short-time averaged Navier-Stokes equations, coupled
with a ķ –ώ turbulence model, are solved to predict the large-scale time-dependent flow. Values
of the cavity wall pressure, drag, streamwise velocity and density are in good agreement with
past measurements and the results of other computations. The noise generation physics of the
unsteady flow is addressed by estimating the noise source strength in a Lighthill acoustic analogy.
The time-dependent flow predictions highlighted the upstream and downstream cavity edges
as areas of large flow unsteadiness. The same areas are identified by the acoustic analogy as the
dominant noise source regions in this flow.
International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 2006, 5 (4), pp.335-360