posted on 2019-06-24, 10:25authored byJames David van Oppen, Deborah Thompson, Matt Tite, Simon Griffiths, Finbarr C. Martin, Simon Conroy
Older people form a growing proportion and volume of those accessing urgent care, much of which is provided by non-specialists in geriatric medicine. Non-specific presentations, multiple comorbidities and functional decline make assessment and management of this cohort challenging. In this article we describe the approach and methods of the Acute Frailty Network (AFN), a national quality improvement collaborative designed to support acute hospitals in England to deliver evidence-based care for older people with frailty. We report on 3 years’ experience of whole-systems quality improvement through the network. Using local case studies, we illustrate initiatives through which AFN hospitals improved services and outcomes for older people with frailty and urgent care needs. We describe returns on investment and sustainability of implementation, and reflect on future directions for the AFN.
JvO holds a National Institute for Health Research Academic Clinical Fellowship.
European Geriatric Medicine, 2019
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES/School of Medicine/Department of Health Sciences