The Primary-Secondary Care Partnership to Improve Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease (PSP-CKD) Study: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Primary Care
Background Most patients with CKD are managed in the community. Whether nurse-led CKD management programs improve outcomes in patients with CKD in primary care is unclear.
Methods To assess the effect of such a program on the rate of renal function decline in patients with CKD (stages 3–5) in primary care in the United Kingdom, we conducted a cluster randomized trial, the Primary-Secondary Care Partnership to Improve Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease study. A software program designed for the study created a data file of patients with CKD in participating practices. In 23 intervention practices (11,651 patients), a CKD nurse practitioner worked with nominated practice leads to interpret the data file and implement guideline-based patient-level CKD management interventions. The 23 control practices (11,706 patients) received a data file but otherwise, continued usual CKD care. The primary outcome was defined at the cluster (practice) level as the change from baseline of the mean eGFR of the patients with CKD at 6-month intervals up to 42 months. Secondary outcomes included numbers of patients coded for CKD, mean BP, numbers of patients achieving National Institute for Health and Care Excellence BP targets for CKD, and proteinuria measurement.
Results After 42 months, eGFR did not differ significantly between control and intervention groups. CKD- and proteinuria-related coding improved significantly along with the number of patients achieving BP targets in the intervention group versus usual care.
Conclusions CKD management programs in primary care may not slow progression of CKD, but they may significantly improve processes of care and potentially decrease the cardiovascular disease burden in CKD and related costs.
PSP-CKD was funded initially by the CLAHRC LNR and then by CLAHRC-East Midlands. CB is supported by CLAHRC-West Midlands. The study was subject to external peer review by the NIHR CLAHRC Scientific Committee prior to funding approval.
JASN July 2019, 30 (7) 1261-1270; DOI:
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)