The Public Archaeology of Death
Williams, Wills-Eve and Osborne’s edited volume The Public Archaeology of Death originated in a conference in Chester, UK, organised and populated by Howard Williams’s students. This was one of a series of events run by Howard Williams and his students. Both the conference and this resulting publication were intended not only to explore areas fo the archaeology of death, but also to give students experience of organising and presenting academic research, and to provide a showcase fo the best academic work carried out by the students. The Publica Archaeology of Death does not only contain student work, however. Selected senior academics and professionals were also invited, and Williams himself was heavily involved. He is sole author of two of the eleven chapters, and co-author of two more.
Sarah Tarlow (2020) The Public Archaeology of Death, Norwegian Archaeological Review, DOI: 10.1080/00293652.2020.1737570Version
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)