The brightest GRB ever detected: GRB 221009A as a highly luminous event at z=0.151
Context.The extreme luminosity of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) makes them powerful beacons for studies of the distant Universe. The mostluminous bursts are typically detected at moderate/high redshift, where the volume for seeing such rare events is maximized and the star-formationactivity is greater than atz=0. For distant events, not all observations are feasible, such as at TeV energies.
Aims.Here we present a spectroscopic redshift measurement for the exceptional GRB 221009A, the brightest GRB observed to date with emissionextending well into the TeV regime.
Methods.We used the X-shooter spectrograph at the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) to obtain simultaneous optical to near-IR spectroscopy ofthe burst afterglow 0.5 days after the explosion.
Results.The spectra exhibit both absorption and emission lines from material in a host galaxy atzGRB=0.15095±0.00005. Thus GRB 221009Awas a relatively nearby burst with a luminosity distance ofdL=745 Mpc. Its host galaxy properties (star-formation rate and metallicity) areconsistent with those of LGRB hosts at low redshift. This redshift measurement yields information on the energy of the burst. The inferredisotropic energy release,Eiso>5×1054erg, lies at the high end of the distribution, making GRB 221009A one of the nearest and also mostenergetic GRBs observed to date. We estimate that such a combination (nearby as well as intrinsically bright) occurs between once every fewdecades to once per millennium.
State of Hessen within the Research Clus-531ter ELEMENTS (Project ID 500/10.006)
VILLUM FONDEN534Investigator grant (project number 16599)
China Manned Space Project with NO. CMS-CSST-2021-A13 and CMS-CSST-2021-B11
The new frontier of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
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