posted on 2019-03-06, 09:35authored byBriony D. Pulford, Andrew M. Colman, Eike K. Buabang, Eva M. Krockow
According to the confidence heuristic, people are confident when they know they are right, and their confidence makes them persuasive. Previous experiments have investigated the confidence-persuasiveness aspect of the heuristic but not the integrated knowledge-confidence-persuasiveness hypothesis. We report 3 experiments to test the heuristic using incentivized interactive decisions with financial outcomes in which pairs of participants with common interests attempted to identify target stimuli after conferring, only 1 pair member having strong information about the target. Experiment 1, through the use of a facial identification task, confirmed the confidence heuristic. Experiment 2, through the use of geometric shapes as stimuli, elicited a much larger confidence heuristic effect. Experiment 3 found similar confidence heuristic effects through both face-to-face and computer-mediated communication channels, suggesting that verbal rather than nonverbal communication drives the heuristic. Suggesting an answer first was typical of pair members with strong evidence and might therefore be a dominant cue that persuades. Our results establish the confidence heuristic with dissimilar classes of stimuli and through different communication channels.
This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council
[grant RES-000-23-0154]; and the Leicester Judgment and Decision Making Endowment Fund [grant RM43G0176] to the first two authors.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2018, 147 (10), pp. 1431-1444
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES/Biological Sciences/Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour
Data Set Access Study 1 was reported at the 2005 British Psychological Society Conference; the 20th Research Conference on Subjective
Probability, Utility, & Decision Making in 2005; the Confidence in Interactive Decisions Symposium, Leicester, United Kingdom in 2005; and,
finally, at the Language, Psychology and the Law Conference, University
of Leicester, United Kingdom in 2006.