University of Leicester

Tracking Counterpart Signatures in Saturn's Auroras and ENA Imagery During Large‐Scale Plasma Injection Events

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posted on 2020-05-20, 14:49 authored by J Kinrade, SV Badman, C Paranicas, DG Mitchell, CS Arridge, RL Gray, A Bader, G Provan, SWH Cowley, CJ Martin, N Achilleos

Saturn's morningside auroras consist mainly of rotating, transient emission patches, following periodic reconnection in the magnetotail. Simultaneous responses in global energetic neutral atom (ENA) emissions have been observed at similar local times, suggesting a link between the auroras and large‐scale injections of hot ions in the outer magnetosphere. In this study, we use Cassini's remote sensing instruments to observe multiple plasma injection signatures within coincident auroral and ENA imagery, captured during 9 April 2014. Kilometric radio emissions also indicate clear injection activity. We track the motion of rotating signatures in the auroras and ENAs to test their local time relationship. Two successive auroral signatures—separated by ~4 hr UT—form postmidnight before rotating to the dayside while moving equatorward. The first has a clear ENA counterpart, maintaining a similar local time mapping throughout ~9 hr observation. Mapping of the ionospheric equatorward motion post‐dawn indicates a factor ~5 reduction of the magnetospheric source region's radial speed at a distance of ~14‐20 RS, possibly a plasma or magnetic boundary. The second auroral signature has no clear ENA counterpart; viewing geometry was relatively unchanged, so the ENAs were likely too weak to detect by this time. A third, older injection signature, seen in both auroral and ENA imagery on the nightside, may have been sustained by field‐aligned currents linked with the southern planetary period oscillation system, or the re‐energization of ENAs around midnight local times. The ENA injection signatures form near magnetic longitudes associated with magnetotail thinning.


UVIS, INCA, and RPWS data are available from the NASA Planetary Data System ( SKR power and spectrogram data were retrieved through the AMDA science analysis system ( provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. All PPO phase data (2004–2017) are available in the University of Leicester Research Archive ( We thank Nick Achilleos and Arianna Sorba at UCL for their provision of ionosphere‐magnetosphere field mapping profiles, which have since been computed for various local time sectors, and are available in the supporting information of Sorba et al. (2019). J.K., S.V.B., and C.S.A. were supported by STFC grant ST/M001059/1. J.K. was also supported by a DST‐NRF Fellowship for Early Career Researchers in the United Kingdom (UID: 110706) and thanks Zama Katamzi‐Joseph and Mike Kosch at the South African National Space Agency for hosting him on a research visit. S.V.B. was also supported by an STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship ST/M005534/1, and C.S.A. also by a Royal Society Research Fellowship. C.P. was supported by NASA grant NNX16AI46G. D.G.M. was supported by NASA grant NNN06AA01C. A.B. was funded by a Lancaster University FST studentship. G.P. and S.W.H.C. were supported by STFC grant ST/N000749/1. C.J.M. was supported by STFC grant ST/R000816/1. N.A. was supported by the UCL STFC Solar System Consolidated grant ST/S000240/1. R.L.G. was supported by an STFC studentship.



Kinrade, J., Badman, S. V., Paranicas, C., Mitchell, D. G., Arridge, C. S., Gray, R. L., et al. ( 2020). Tracking counterpart signatures in Saturn's auroras and ENA imagery during large‐scale plasma injection events. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027542.


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Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics








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