Using multimodal biometrics, data hiding and encryption for secure healthcare imaging system
In this digital era, images are the most vital in-formation carrier used for healthcare communication and en-tertainment. However, the increasing use of images in severalapplications also poses a risk of their unauthorised usage or mod-ification without proper attribution to the owner. To overcomethis issue while ensuring one-time password (OTP)–based systemauthentication, this study designed a highly secure healthcareimaging system with multimodal biometrics, data hiding andencryption in a deep learning environment. First, we segmenteda medical image via a customised, deep neural network tolocate the lesion and non-lesion areas. Next, the lesion part wasembedded into the non-lesion part via least significant bit (LSB)substitution and timestamp. Furthermore, the marked non-lesionand lesion parts were combined to generate the marked image.Second, encoded multimodal biometric features, i.e. face andiris, and a novel 2D chaotic system were used to encrypt themarked image before transmission over the network. Throughsimulation findings on security and accuracy of segmentationand feature extraction design, we demonstrated the feasibilityand effectiveness of our proposed secure system, highlightingtheir superior performance compared to existing techniques.
This work is supported by IES212111 - Interna- tional Exchanges 2021Round 2, dt. 28 Feb 2022, under Royal Society, UK.
Author affiliation
College of Science & Engineering Comp' & Math' SciencesVersion
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)