posted on 2019-04-15, 15:10authored byL Zuccherato, S Eloi-Santos, L Jardim, R Camelo, D Chaves, R Souza, E Hollox, S Rezende
Hemophilia A is an X-linked bleeding disorder due to mutations in the factor VIII gene (F8).
The most clinically relevant complication of hemophilia A is the development of neutralizing
alloantibodies (inhibitors) against factor VIII1
, occurring in up to 30% of severe patients.
Inhibitors impair hemostasis during FVIII replacement, leading to hemorrhages difficult to
control, disability and decreased quality of life. The use of bypassing agents is required in
most cases to treat or prevent bleeding, representing a more expensive and less effective
alternative hemostatic therapy than exogenous FVIII.
Financial support: Fundo Nacional de Saúde (Ministry of Health, Grant number
25000.155761/2015-13), CAPES (Grant number 88881.068041/2014-01), CNPq (Grant
number 456080/2014-7). LWZ and LLJ received fellowship from CAPES, DGC received a
BIPDT fellowship from FAPEMIG.
Haematologica, 2019, 10.3324/haematol.2019.220608
Author affiliation
/Organisation/COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES/Biological Sciences/Genetics and Genome Biology
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Published in
Ferrata Storti Foundation with European Hematology Association