posted on 2018-05-16, 12:19authored byRachael Jones
William Scott Owen figured prominently in Montgomeryshire history by being deeply involved with the lives of working people and active in local politics, He was an incomer from the south of England and a stalwart of the Anglican faith and the Tory party. He spent the whole of his working life in Montgomeryshire and came to be deeply respected in a part of Britain noted for its Nonconformity and Liberalism. Scott Owen was agent on the Gregynog Estate, which lies in the south east of the county, much of it now belonging to the University of Wales. This study of his life provides a vivid picture of the county in the late Victorian and Edwardian period and discusses why he became so well regarded.
Family and Community History, 2018, 21(2), pp. 82-95
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Published in
Family and Community History
Taylor & Francis for Family and Community Historical Research Society
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