University of Leicester

Creating Virtual Reality Prisons in Guyana

posted on 2020-01-15, 10:35 authored by Kellie MossKellie Moss, Joe Beyera, Mateusz Bocian, Clare AndersonClare Anderson, Mellissa IfillMellissa Ifill

As part of the project: Mental, Neurological and Substance Abuse Disorders in Guyana’s Jails, 1825 to the Present Day, we created a computer-generated three dimensional visualisation (virtual environment) of Mazaruni Penal Settlement using the original plans from 1842 (Images and a video representation of this technology is attached).

Through the eyes of an avatar, users (prison officers, trainee cadets, and researchers) are able to manoeuvre around a virtual prison environment with standard input devices, such as a keyboard or a mouse. Along with conventional methods, Guyana Prison Service will be able to incorporate this technology to improve in the areas of research and training.

For more information on this project, or for a full demonstration of the virtual environment please contact:

Dr Kellie Moss:

Professor Clare Anderson:


University of Leicester ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Small Rapid Response Scheme
