This qualitative study explored the cultural, social, and academic experiences of
international students in a British university (MTU), in the current geopolitical
climate. The case study involved 18 international students and 22 academic and
support staff members. Ethnography and content analysis for interviews during three
phases yielded results that apply to Hofstede and Hofstede’s (2005) Cultural
Dimensions Model, Devito’s (2004) Culture Shock Model, and Maslow’s (1954,
1970, and 1984) Hierarchy for Human Needs. The foregoing structures joined
Western pedagogy in Liberal Secular Ideology to generate the Culture, Human Needs,
and Western Pedagogy Model (CHNP). The CHNP Model inferred that culture shock
triggered the international students’ regression in satisfying their human needs after
they immersed themselves in British culture. First, human needs may exist across
cultures, but the process for satisfying human needs is culture specific. Second,
human needs satisfaction affects culture shock adjustment and Western pedagogy
competency. Third, international students’ identities were at risk through each culture
shock and human needs stage, and as they attempted to develop competency in
Western pedagogy. The policy implication for supporting international students is that
an academic environment that ignores IS’ cultural differences, human needs, and their
unfamiliarity with Western pedagogy can destroy IS’ motivation to fulfil their
academic potential.