The literature review aimed to systematically review social cognitive abilities in young people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) features. Three electronic databases were searched and ten met the inclusion criteria. Through the quality appraisal, the studies were found to be weak overall. Across the studies, social cognition was assessed using various measures. The participants included both nonclinical and clinical populations. All studies rated BPD features through standardised, reliable measures. Findings were mixed. Studies demonstrated that individuals with BPD features had certain social cognitive deficits but the deficit findings differed across the papers. Further research is required to clarify the social cognitive abilities in young people with BPD features.
The aims of the research were to explore inpatient CAMHS staff experiences of young people with a label of emerging personality disorder. An IPA methodology was employed and six inpatient CAMHS nursing staff were interviewed. Three super-ordinate themes and nine subthemes were found across the data that enabled convergence and divergence within their accounts. Findings are discussed with reference to psychological theory and past research findings. The clinical implications and future research recommendations are discussed. The critical appraisal is then presented.
Allan, Steven; O'Reilly, Mary
Date of award
Author affiliation
Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour