posted on 2015-09-21, 13:22authored byAmy Kristine Hetherington
This research seeks to examine issues surrounding digital literacy discourse and its
place within the museum. Using the design of digital interactives as an example, it asks
what assumptions museums have made about child digital literacy, and how these
assumptions have changed over the last fifteen years. The study proposes a new
application of digital literacy theory that can usefully differentiate between what it
categorises as realistic and optimistic perceptions of child digital literacy, and then uses
this theory to understand how museums view their child visitors and how they design
for them digitally.
The research adopts a historical approach in its methodology to look at the design
processes and digital interactives over the last fifteen years, in three museums of digital
interactive design. The thesis explores what it characterises as the ‘four-step’ design
process (from user-centred design theory) to help it uncover where assumptions are
made and what effect this has had on the resulting interactives.
The intention has been to make a case that when designing in-gallery digital interactives
for children, the museums tend to adhere more to an optimistic discourse of digital
literacy than one that might be seen as realistic, and that furthermore, this is a tendency
that has persisted over the course of many years of design in three English museums.
The significance of the thesis rests in the appropriation of digital literacy theory to form
a greater understanding of museums’ perception of their young visitors, by uncovering
the influences on staff in their digital interactive design considerations.