This research work explores the feasibility of using frequency domain analysis in the study of
arrhythmias. The research involves the application of spectrum analysis to obtain the
dominant frequency (DF) of atrial electrograms (AE) at different sites in the atria. It is an
alternative way of interpreting the chaotic electrical activity seen during AF and reveals
critical sites to guide ablation.
As longer ablation procedure time implies higher risk to the patient, DF estimation needs to
be obtained as quickly as possible. Four techniques (FFT, Blackman-Tukey, Autoregressive
and Multiple Signal Classification) were used to compare the computation times taken for
spectrum estimation analysis. The FFT technique produces an accurate DF result with the
shortest time.
DF analysis was first used for ventricular fibrillation with data from the surface of the left
ventricle (in animal studies). It was found that spectrograms show the DF drifting along time
and with significant changes in power. This approach was then applied for bipolar AF signals
(in human studies). The changes of the frequency along time were observed when the
stimulation was given, either using high frequency stimulation or drug infusion.
We have developed a novel technique for the removal of ventricular signals from virtual AE.
The surface ECG is used to identify ventricular activity. A band pass filter (8 Hz to 20 Hz)
followed by rectification and then a low pass filter (6 Hz) are used for QRS detection. QRST
subtraction was performed using three different approaches: flat, linear and spline
interpolation. QRST subtraction affects the power of the signals but not the DF.
We also developed an adaptive power threshold tool to observe the distribution of the DFs
with an adjustable power threshold setting. Using this tool the 3D maps can display the
evolution of the DFs within a chosen threshold power bracket.
Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education;Malaysian University of Technology (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)