This thesis examines sixteenth-century Italian drawings that either record or prepare
sculpture. It rejects the popular notion that sculptors’ drawings are stylistically distinct from
those of painters and argues that graphic style cannot be used to predict the profession of an
unidentified draughtsman. This erroneous notion oversimplifies both the range of techniques
and divergent graphic personalities of individual sculptor-draughtsmen. Though other
commentators have rejected this idea, none has fully studied the received assumptions that
motivate it or analyzed the extant evidence that disproves it. This thesis examines the critical
literature that tends to group sculptor-draughtsmen together and which imposes upon scanty
visual evidence a narrative in which a tradition of sculptural drawing style extends from the
fifteenth into the sixteenth century. Many scholars have argued that drawing styles are derived
from sculptural techniques, typically basing their arguments on the examples of Michelangelo
and Bandinelli. These conclusions are often generalized to include other sixteenth-century
sculptors. Though these commentators sometimes disagree as to which techniques are
analogous to carving, they share the common problem of reducing the varied graphic output of
sculptor-draughtsmen. The drawing styles of sculptors are not, in fact, derived from sculptural
processes and are better explained by graphic influences and the functions of their drawings,
which frequently transcend professional distinctions. To show this, drawings by artists working
in different media are here studied. Drawings after ancient sculpture are analyzed in order to
compare their artistic functions with the preparatory drawings for sculpture by sculptors, but
also by painters and architects. In these cases, common artistic interests and drawing styles
undermine the idea that drawings can be distinguished by the artist’s principal profession.
Finally, this thesis studies the drawn oeuvres of Niccolò Tribolo, Fra Giovanni Angelo
Montorsoli and Raffaello da Montelupo, offering new insights into their extant graphic corpora
and the reasons for which they made drawings.